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Karte Design Fabrik

Founded in Berlin in 2011 by two creatives, Karte Design Fabrik's ambition was to create stationery and accessories which reflect the modern unpretentious style for which Berlin is known. Karte Design Fabrik witnessed a space in the market for clean minimalist cards and utilised this forward thinking nature to create a range of christmas cards informed by geometric shapes and muted colours. The collection garnered press and awards and the characteristic cards are now stocked in leading design, stationery and book shops. These are the foundations of Karte Design Fabrik.

Wir bieten

Kostenloser Versand ab 50 €*
schneller DHL Versand
30 Tage Umtauschrecht
Einfacher Rückversand


Brauchst Du Hilfe?
von 10.30 bis 17.30 Uhr erreichst Du uns:
Hotline: +49 / 40 / 22 62 68 11

Besuch uns

Unser Ladengeschäft liegt
 im Hamburger Schanzenviertel
Schulterblatt 132, 20357 Hamburg
Mo - Sa 11 bis 18 Uhr

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