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Sally Nencini

Sally, from County Armagh, Northern Ireland, set up her business from her home in south east London in 2009 but is now based in Norwich, Norfolk. She studied MA Fashion at the Royal College of Art and has designed for, amongst others, Levi's and M&S. Since bringing up a young family, her long-held interest in handworked craft, surface pattern and vintage textiles has come to the fore. She designs and makes machine-knitted toys, blankets and cushions using soft lambswool. Sally has also trained as an upholsterer, hand embroidering the top cover of chairs to create functional works of art.

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Kostenloser Versand ab 60 €*
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30 Tage Umtauschrecht
Einfacher Rückversand


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von 10.30 bis 17.30 Uhr erreichst Du uns:
Hotline: +49 / 40 / 22 62 68 11

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Unser Ladengeschäft liegt
 im Hamburger Schanzenviertel
Schulterblatt 132, 20357 Hamburg
Mo - Sa 11 bis 18 Uhr

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