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Selected Femme

SELECTED is Nordic by heart with an authentic vein running through each and every garment giving them a true Scandinavian look. They want their style to appeal to the modern and fashion-conscious men and women of today, who have a keen sense of their own personal style. Some follow trends closely; some want that timeless and classic look. What they have in common is their impeccable sense of taste and quality. SELECTED FEMME/HOMME is a fashion-forward and contemporary unisex brand.

Wir bieten

Kostenloser Versand ab 60 €*
schneller DHL Versand
30 Tage Umtauschrecht
Einfacher Rückversand


Brauchst Du Hilfe?
von 10.30 bis 17.30 Uhr erreichst Du uns:
Hotline: +49 / 40 / 22 62 68 11

Besuch uns

Unser Ladengeschäft liegt
 im Hamburger Schanzenviertel
Schulterblatt 132, 20357 Hamburg
Mo - Sa 11 bis 18 Uhr

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